Chemical Residue (Trace) Analysis

Chemical Residue (Trace) Analysis

Kimyasal Kalıntı (İz) Analizi

Chemical residue analysis is a test and analysis system that covers processes such as identification of unknown substances and detection of contamination.

By making precise measurements in low amounts such as one per million (ppm), one billionth (ppb) and one trillionth (ppt); It is based on detecting trace chemicals in products and materials.

Unexpected stains, discoloration, deposits and signs of corrosion create traces of residue. Chemical residue analyzes are carried out in order to understand the chemical structure and sources of these residues.

Tested by a wide variety of instruments including mass spectrometry, chromatography, spectroscopy and other advanced instrumentation for residue monitoring analysis.

You can contact us for all your questions and requests regarding Chemical Trace Analysis.