Trace Element Analysis

Trace Element Analysis

İz Element Analizi

Trace Element Analysis allows the detection and identification of low levels of heavy metals in packaging materials.

It helps to determine the contaminants by determining the trace metal levels in the samples. Detection of trace elements is important as they affect a product's toxicity and how the substance interacts with other chemicals.

Many single or multi-element analyzes are performed on packaging materials, especially mercury, cadmium, arsenic and lead. Sample in trace element analysis processes; Inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) with inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after many structure-specific pretreatments such as extraction, filtration, hot plate digestion, fusion or microwave digestion ) devices.

You can contact us for all your questions and requests regarding Trace Element Analysis.