Fiber Material Analysis

Fiber Material Analysis in Paper Packages

Fiber Material Analysis

The trees from which the paper packaging materials are obtained; The fact that it is soft and hard wood causes differences in terms of the properties of the obtained paper material.

Soft wood fibers such as pine, spruce and fir used in paper material production are long. This gives strength to paper and cardboard, but causes a rough structure.

Hard wood fibers such as eucalyptus and poplar are shorter. Paper and cardboard materials obtained from these fibers are weak. However, paper materials with a smooth surface can be obtained for printing.

With the fiber material analysis in paper packages, the mixing ratios of the fiber types of the sample can be estimated.

BS 7463 Fiber material analysis of paper, cardboard and pulp. Determination of weight factors
ISO 9184 Fiber material analysis of paper, cardboard and pulp. Determination of weight factors