The packaging preferred for the product is as important as the production, transportation or storage processes in the food industry. Appropriate packaging material should be chosen in order to extend the shelf life of the food and prevent it from being affected by environmental effects. There is an important statement for many products such as chips and canned goods that we see on the market shelves: Headspace Gas Analysis
The headspace gas analysis is based on the test process of determining the gas content in the package in order to determine the shelf life of foods. Gas-filled packages such as CAP (controlled atmosphere packaging) and MAP (modified atmosphere packaging) contain small amounts of oxygen. In order to ensure that the gas mixtures in the package are optimal or not, “Top Gap Gas Analysis” is carried out at regular intervals during the production process.
Gas in food packages are added to extend the shelf life of foods, delay their deterioration and prevent them from being affected by external environmental conditions, and their suitability must be analyzed.